Court Lighting Control

Our Smart Lighting Control enables members to activate lights at courts using our smart cards, fobs or our App. A charge can be deducted from their Smart balance at the club, providing a simple and efficient cashless payment solution.

We manage Lighting Control at many of the leading tennis clubs in Ireland and the UK

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Court Lighting Control Smart Lighting is part of our leading tennis club platform
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Lighting Control & Membership

Members can activate and pay for their lights using their smart membership card, fob or our App. Managers can vary the charge by membership category or at the individual level as well as assign free swiping for coaches.

Lighting Control Equipment

We supply relevant lighting meters and readers for use with our membership database, cards, fobs and app. We can also manage and consult on lighting installation.

Lighting Padel
Smart Lighting Innovation

We are exploring a range of other lighting options and expect to add to our solutions later this year!

We have also implemented our court lighting solution for other lighting scenarios including at harbours and snookers tables!

Effective lighting control and cashless payment processing as part of the leading Smart Tennis Club management platform
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Want to explore further?

Do you simply need a membership database or an end-to-end club wide solution? Why not get in touch and speak to an expert today?

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