Smart Cards & Fobs

We supply proximity, contactless smart cards and branded fobs for use at our EPOS tills, access control and lighting control solutions. This is an end-to-end service.

We design and supply smart cards and branded fobs for use across our various solutions

Group 765
Smart Cards & Fobs Proximity Cards and Fobs for diverse club and member applications
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Card Designs

We develop full-colour card designs following your brand guidelines. We personalise these cards on the reverse side with member name and number as well as any other important club information. Many clubs also detail a sponsor logo on the reverse side.

New Fobs Only
Branded Fobs

Our innovative full-colour branded proximity fobs are mostly used at clubs which are using our access control and court lighting solutions but who are not using our EPOS tills.

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QR & Other Proximity Solutions

Our digital QR Membership IDs can be used alongside our cards at our point of sale as well as for event ticketing solutions. We can also supply alternative proximity kit such as wristbands for use by junior members for access control at tennis clubs, as well as for on-water activities at sailing and yacht clubs.

St Sylvesters Club Smart Card Design
Over 25 years experience with smart card technology in club environments
Smart Card Overview

We started supplying membership systems, tills and smart cards to golf clubs over 25 years ago. We've lived through gold chip, magnetic stripe and now work with proximity solutions and our App.

We work closely with our clubs on custom card and fob designs. We then personalise cards with all current member details prior to issuing them the club. We can continue to personalise future cards for new members or we can supply card printers so cards can be printed inhouse at the club and issued immediately to the new member or as a replacement card for an existing member.

In addition to issuing cards to members, clubs sometimes issue manager and guest cards so visiting teams or guests can run up a bill for payment or possibly avail of a complementary balance.

Want to explore further?

Do you simply need a membership database or an end-to-end club wide solution? Why not get in touch and speak to an expert today?

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